
B2B + B2C


We are the first cruise consolidator company that will allow your agency to access the cruise market easily, quickly and safely thanks to Cruisetech Booking Solutions.




Cruisetech Booking Solutions is the first cruise consolidator company that offers Tourism Agencies, Wholesale Operators and OTAs, the possibility of obtaining an online Cruise Booking and Quote system with rates, availability and offers from 30 cruise lines integrated in more than 70 countries.

Thanks to these marketing channels generated by CruiseTech, your company will have both a B2B and B2C platform that will help you centralize your sales and commissions.

We offer you the possibility of accessing the growing market for cruises with the latest generation tools that will help you with the management, administration and marketing of multiple shipping companies.

Avoid contracts, intermediaries, high development costs, certifications, resources and maintenance.


Sale with CruiseTech

Get your commission


  • Direct contact with 30 cruise lines.
  • Your own Cruise Finder on your Website.
  • Your own online platform to manage your bookings, quotations and commissions.
  • Inventory, rates and availability in real time.
  • Savings in time, costs and implementation resources and maintenance.
  • Online security for your guests.
  • Updates on multimedia content.
  • Access to the cruise lines "last minute" rates
  • Available in Spanish, Portuguese, English, Dutch, Russian, Italian, German, French and Mandarin Chinese.
  • Cruise industry specialists support
  • + 30

    Cruise Lines

    + 16.000


    + 10


    + 70



    Thanks to CruiseTech you can automate the bookings and quotations of cruises between the passengers and the cruise lines.

    Avoid intermediaries and long response times.




    Get your own personalized online Cruise Finder on your Website with 30 integrated cruise lines.
    Start selling cruises today!



    You can have your own CRM to manage your quotes, reservations and commissions for each sale generated. Centralize all your operations and provide security to your passengers.



    We have a team of professionals specialized in integrations and connections that can assist you in making your own developments.



    CruiseTech is a cruise consolidator company that provides travel agencies with the possibility of having more than 30 cruise lines available in one place, both for quoting and booking.

    We have 2 exclusive solutions:

    1 - B2B Solution: an online platform that allows your travel agency to access an inventory with more than 16,000 available departures to quote or book multiple companies. You will have access to rates, availability, information and commissions.

    2 - B2C Solution: It is an online Cruise Finder with the most advanced technology, that will allow you to sell cruises from your Website. Your guests will have access to inventories and accurate information of the cruise you want to book.

    The B2B solution is presented as a Panel Control and thanks to this technology, it allows each travel agency employee to be able to quote, book and manage a sale from multiple cruise ship companies in an easy and fast way. Thus avoiding having to call the cruise ship companies or their representatives

    Yes, absolutely. In order to have your own online Cruise Finder, all you have to do is register and we will send the instructions by email so that you can have your own search engine on your Website and direct access to the online platform.

    No, you won't be able to book cabins and hold them without any payments. Usually, the cabins have cancellation fees, so we suggest not booking without full or partial payment in order to avoid any inconvenience. If you need to hold a cabin, contact our specialists who will help you manage any type of inquieries

    Yes,you can, but you must take into account that there is a cancellation or penalty fee for each cruise ship company when canceling. You can always check the cancellation fees for each departure on our website.

    Payments for booking can be through:

    Wire transfer.

    Bank deposit.

    Credit card.

    Debit card


    Remember that each country might have extra fees when sending a payment. Always check with our specialists before sending a payment

    The commissions are paid from the 1st to the 10th day every month with a minimum of USD 100. The commissions for each cabin can always be seen from your platform.

    You will have access to all your bookings, quotations and commissions through the online platform

    The online platform is free for all affiliated travel agencies that wish to Quote and Book through CruiseTech.

    The Cruise Finder for your Website has a USD 50  montly fee.- and you can pay for a whole year in advance through PayPal.

    The rates quoated through CruiseTech are commissionable. From your online platform, you will be able to see what the commission is at the time of listing or booking a cabin.

    If possible. Cruisetech's objective is to facilitate both technology and agreements so that a small, medium or large agency has the same facilities to enter the cruise business in an easy, economic and practical way.



    Argentina / Buenos Aires


    USA / Miami


    Service Hours

    9:30 a 18:00 de Lunes a Viernes